IDA 2024 NOW OPEN -- Regular Deadline October 31, 2024
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MIGRATION,  | International Design Awards Winners
MIGRATION,  | International Design Awards Winners
MIGRATION,  | International Design Awards Winners
MIGRATION,  | International Design Awards Winners
MIGRATION,  | International Design Awards Winners
MIGRATION,  | International Design Awards Winners


UniversityNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Lead DesignersChen Chi-Shan, Chen Ting
Design Team
Project Location Latvia
Prize(s)Silver in Architecture Categories / Landmarks, symbolic structures, memorials, public
Entry Description

Great Kemeri Bog Visitor Center is a must-stop for migratory birds to Africa in winter. 10% of the ciconia nigra in the world live in Latvia, and dwell on the waterside and swamp.
Great Kemeri Bog Visitor Center focus on the observation of migratory bird and the water recovery system. Considering precipitation and rainy season in Kemeri National Park, we design this building a Green Building with water recycling reuse system. And the roof-garden connects the landscape in view, to be a viewing platform where visiors can have a rest and take photos.