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Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners
Moesgaard Museum,  | International Design Awards Winners

Moesgaard Museum

Lead DesignersHenning Larsen Architects
Prize(s)Gold in Architecture Categories / Institutional
Entry Description

The Museum grows out of the hilly landscape of Skåde outside Aarhus, Denmark. The new museum offers scenic views, public spaces, and first-class exhibitions on cultural history. Architecture, nature, culture and history fuse together into a total experience at the Moesgaard Museum.
With its bright courtyard gardens, terraces and cave-like “houses-in-the-house”, the museum invites new and alternative types of exhibitions. The landscape of grass that covers the museum’s sloping roof appears as a powerful visual landmark. As a new hill amongst the old, the roof blurs the distinction between building and landscape, offering visitors a new area from which to appreciate the surroundings.
The museum acts as a public space for non-paying visitors too; in the summer, the angular projection will host a range of outdoor activities, such as picnics and lectures. During the winter months, the museum roof will transform into one of Denmark’s most exceptional sledding hills.