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The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Fishing Bridge,  | International Design Awards Winners

The Fishing Bridge

Lead Designers
Prize(s)Silver in Other Architectural Designs / Other Architectural designs
Project LinkView
Entry Description

Rediscovering Zeng Chu-An’s origin as a fishing village, the bridge took reference of the typology of wooden frame structure of traditional fishing boat and also the form of a leaping fish. The Fishing Bridge is constructed to add, if not rebrand, a new iconic attraction and identity of Zeng Chu-An village. Not only can the bridge provide a much safer connection for the only bus station across the 6-lane road, but also draw visitors to the beach, which was often neglected due to the difficulty in accessing previously.

The form of the bridge was constructed out of 32 unique pieces of prefabricated steel ‘bones’ that sit on 3 main spine that a run across the whole bridge, which has a 82m length in total. Both ends of the bridge exist public squares to accommodate the expected high degree of circulation and amount of visitors.