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Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners
Talgarth Road, London, UK, WestonWilliamson+Partners | International Design Awards Winners

Talgarth Road, London, UK

Lead DesignersPhil Breese
ClientPhilip Breese
Prize(s)Silver in Architecture Categories / New Residential Building
Entry Description

Talgarth Road, London, UK

This project is located adjacent to Talgarth Road in
London, UK and raised considerable challenges in
delivering a mixed tenure residential development of
fourteen homes on a 0.12ha long shallow site constrained
by its busy urban context.

The final scheme is configured to resolve issues
generated by the linear site footprint and the six
carriageway road which defines the site’s Southern edge.
Properties to the North also presented a significant
constraint due to overshadowing, day lighting, and the
need to protect privacy.

The proposed massing and section was developed to
respond to these constraints integrating access and
circulation solutions and a number of innovative elements
to control shading, privacy and ventilation. The three
storey mono-pitched form comprises single storey
residential units at ground floor with two storey duplex
units over. These duplex units maximize space by fully
utilizing the roof volume and take reference from Frank
Wheelers landmark 1890’s artist studios nearby.

Massing expresses the linear form by way of a terrace
typology. Two units at the East of the terrace are offset
to create the primary access route to the linear block that
is eroded to reveal the circulation spaces and vertical
layering. Reflective mid-grey engineering facing brickwork
reinforces the strength of form. Large openings to the
upper two floors define the two storey duplex units,
articulate the layering hierarchy, and introduce shading
and privacy screens that define view and outlook.

Ground floor units have private rear gardens and the
duplex first floor units have deep private balconies. A
communal courtyard walled garden at the west end
benefits from evening sunlight.

Photo-voltaic panels are located on the roof and whole
house ventilation and heat recovery systems control the
internal environment. Incoming air is drawn from the high
level chimney cowls and filtered before distribution to
each room.