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Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners
Aburi Yakitori,  | International Design Awards Winners

Aburi Yakitori

Lead DesignersEnoch Hui
Prize(s)Gold in Interior Design / Commercial
Entry Description

Located in Wanchai, Aburi Yakitori 黑炙 introduced a rare ingredient, Bamboo Charcoal Salt, to the Hong Kong market. Bamboo Charcoal salt is a black variant of normal table salt which is known in Japan to have the ability to eliminate impurities in our body. The project and the restaurant were thus named “Aburi” because it literally means “black” in Japanese.

We observed the hand movement of the chef while he sprinkled charcoal salt on yakitori; liken this movement to the hands of an orchestra conductor, we named this “Aburi rain” and this musical motion became the core concept for all the features applied throughout the restaurant.

The feature shop front was set back from the pavement and composed of thousands of wooden blocks rising and ebbing horizontally to form a 3 dimensional curvature. The composition is visually opaque to ensure privacy as requested by the owner. This feature extends to the internal ceiling where similar blocks were hung vertically to form another curve. To further accentuate this wave motion, the end of each block was sliced angularly and the exposed surface stained in black to physically manifest the “Aburi rain”.

The main wall of the restaurant is decorated by a sculpture made with intertwining copper pipes. It represents the burning grill used in the yakitori restaurant. In addition, two hidden Fuji Mountain landscape compositions were subtly composed within so that travelling compatriots could find solace in the intimate environment of the restaurant.


Enoch Hui received his architectural training at the University of Bath and practiced architecture and interior design in both the UK and Hong Kong. He found Atelier E in the year 2009, where every project is a symphony of sequential and intertwining spaces with unique and refined detailing carefully arranged to produce a journey of discovery. This approach reflect Hui’s motto that life is full of joy, so enjoy it as much as you can, while you can. - and very much the same idea he always wants his client to experience in his design.

Awards and Prize

2013 - 40 Under 40 (Recognizing The Next Generation Of Design Talent 2013) by Perspective Hong Kong
2013 - Bar or Restaurant Awards (Aburi Yakitori Restaurant) by Perspective Hong Kong
2013 – Best 10 Awards (Hazel & Hershey Café) by Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards Hong Kong
2014 – The Most Influential Design Agencies in Great China (Atelier E Limited) by China International Interior Design Cultural Festival China
2014 – Interior Design Commercial Awards Gold (Aburi Yakitori Restaurant) by International Design Awards United States
2014 – Interior Design Sustainable Living/Green Awards Silver (GDBM Showroom) by International Design Awards United States
2014 – Interior Design Sustainable Living/Green Awards Silver (Hazel & Hershey Cafe) by International Design Awards United States
2015 – HKRIDA Design Award Silver (La Station Café) by Hong Kong Restaurant Interior Design Awards 2015 Hong Kong
2016 - K-Design Gold Award (Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant) by K-Design Award Korea
2016 – INSIDE Awards Finalist (The Alchemist) by INSIDE Germany
2016 – American Architecture Prize (Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant) by American Architectural Prize United States
2016 - American Architecture Prize (The Alchemist) by American Architectural Prize United States
2016- BOY Honoree (Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant) by Best Of Year Awards United States
2016 – A’Design Gold Award (The Alchemist) by A’Design Award Italy
2017 – Restaurant & Bar Design Awards Finalist (Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant) by Restaurant & Bar Design Awards United Kingdom
2018- German Design Award Special (The Alchemist) by German Design Award Germany
2018- German Design Award Winner (La Station Cafe) by German Design Award Germany
2018- German Design Award Winner (Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant) by German Design Award Germany
2018 - Restaurant & Bar Design Awards Finalist (N.O.T. Specialty Coffee) by Restaurant & Bar Design Awards United Kingdom
2018 - A’Design Silver Award (Causeway Education Centre)