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Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners
Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report,  | International Design Awards Winners

Oil Search Limited 2013 Annual Report

Lead DesignersMark Reynolds
Prize(s)Bronze in Print / Annual Reports
Project LinkView
Entry Description

Oil Search Limited is a public company listed on the ASX. Their main growth asset is its 29% interest a world‑class liquefied natural gas (LNG) development in PNG. The Project is on track to produce first LNG cargoes in the middle of 2014, which will quadruple Oil Search’s annual production volumes from 2015 onwards and transform the Company into a significant LNG exporter.

2013 was a pivotal year for Oil Search, as it was positioned on the brink of the successful delivery of the PNG LNG project, transforming the company into a significant LNG producer, and into a new era of growth.

Our goal was to capture this transformation through a strong, vibrant, culturally-sensitive and innovative design theme and execution so that all stakeholders engaged with and understood this transition.

With the thematic of “Transformation” identified, we explored the concept of the life-cycle of an insect/animal as we felt this directly linked to the transformation life-cycle of Oil Search. We carried out research and selected the butterfly because of the significant transformation it undergoes from caterpillar, chrysalis to butterfly. We discover the Queen Alexander Butterfly, the largest butterfly in the world — also from PNG.

The cover of the Annual Report features a glimpse of the future butterfly, conveyed through the “Micromotion” print embellishment technique, a screen-printed finish, that when changing the angle of the cover, allows light to be reflected and creates the illusion of motion. This reinforced the theme of the process of transformation.

In terms of the life-cycle theme, Oil Search was at the chrysalis stage. This was revealed on the opening spread of the Annual Report.

The ArmstongQ photography team spent one week in PNG capturing Oil Search’s operations, the community and sustainability initiatives.