[The White Sheet project] is the metaphor for creativity. It
expresses a universal symbol as the common media tool of
every designer. This educational facility for local and
overseas students in the field of design, is conceived to
offer maximal permeability on the ground to connect to the
urban grid and enrich interaction.
Strong architectural volumes are expressed with their
utmost simplicity. They are the result of the program
decomposition into interacting iconic pieces. The
architecture of the Institute is conceived with 3 main
elements: The podium, gently sloping down from a 7M high
level to King Ling Road, is conceived as a landscape
extrusion from the ground connected to the urban
environment. It creates a strong visual impact as well as an
inviting feeling to the outside visitor.
The platform / sky city, housing mainly the common library,
is the main expression of the building; this immaculate and
minimal volume floating on top of the glass towers, creates
a unique impact on the environment, which will intrigue the
outside visitor, and bring a landmark building to the
community. The towers / legs of education are conceived
both as the structural cores of the project and at the same
time the structure of the Institute, as they house all the
Teaching facilities which are the soul of the Institute. They
express the diversity of the fields represented inside the
Hong Kong Design Institute, and simultaneously the synergy
they find by connecting to the levels of interaction on the
ground and the platform. The visual exposure of the white
steel lattice on the towers perimeters defines a unique
feature to the complex.
The composition created with those interconnecting
elements defines the Hong Kong Design Institute as a
timeless building and expresses immediately its ambition of
synergy, design excellence, publicity and interactivity.