IDA 2024 NOW OPEN -- Regular Deadline October 31, 2024
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Tensegrity,  | International Design Awards Winners
Tensegrity,  | International Design Awards Winners
Tensegrity,  | International Design Awards Winners
Tensegrity,  | International Design Awards Winners
Tensegrity,  | International Design Awards Winners
Tensegrity,  | International Design Awards Winners
Tensegrity,  | International Design Awards Winners


UniversityUniversity of California, Berkeley
Lead DesignersDaniel Lim
Design TeamDr. Alice Agogino, Brian Cera, Deniz Dogruer, Doug Hutchings
Project LocationBerkeley, California
Prize(s)Silver in Design For Society / Design for Society
Entry Description

Tensegrity sensor for disaster site, which could be dropped from the sky (drone) to gather information for the emergency response crew (gas leaks, visuals, and audios). Once the drone arrives at the spot, many tensegrity modules stored in a basket with an autonomous deployment system are deployed on multiple locations. Tensegrity structures are a type of stiff beam coupled with many strings that generate tension that can sustain the impact of a collision. Inspired by the structure, the sensor can be deployed from more than 50 m above the ground without additional attachments