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Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners
Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space, WJ Studio | International Design Awards Winners

Vanke Canal Center Creative Shared Office Space

CompanyWJ Studio
Lead DesignersLeo Hu
Design TeamMain case design: Jin Min, Design team: Zhu Chen Shao hua, Zhang Yonghui
Project LocationHangzhou, China
Prize(s)Honorable Mention
Entry Description

Everyday, about a third of the time in the office, as for more ideas into office space, office space is no longer a traditional closed space, but with the ever-changing information high-speed iteration, gradually become an open work communication area.
This design is in an auto industrial park, situated along the canal, the designer hopes to provide the user with a comfortable office experience, on the basis of creating a slightly cool feeling, work flow and open space, to support the future changeable demand, and to be able to break the boundaries of space and time.