Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners
Azaloz,  | International Design Awards Winners


UniversityUtah Valley University
Lead DesignersTanner Perez
CreditsFaculty advisor: Gareth Fry
Prize(s)Gold in Print / Print Editorial
Entry Description

Azaloz features articles about global warming that focus on corporate and government efforts to downplay the issue. At the center of this narrative are writings from a fictional religion that worships a cosmic horror named Azaloz which is the personification of global warming. Using the religion as a metaphor for humanity's historical attitudes toward energy practices, the publication presents the reader with the opportunity to evaluate the self-destructive nature of our industrial society.