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The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art,  | International Design Awards Winners
The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art,  | International Design Awards Winners

The Art of Landscape : The Institute of Land Art

UniversityNorthumbria University
Lead DesignersKane Wong
Project LocationRothley, UK
Prize(s)Silver in Architecture Categories / Conceptual
Entry Description

The project situated in Rothley, Northumberland,UK and it aims to celebrate the key figure of English landscape designer in the past -Lancelot “Capability” Brown. The site is close to one of his work - Rothely Lake. Two ambitions are to be realized. Firstly, to create a focus for the celebration, recording of Lancelot “Capability” Brown’s life and the appreciation and interpretation of his work, in particular his Northumbrian landscapes. A national archive will be created, forming a repository of drawings, associated documents and records.