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Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners
Red Plum Culture and Creative Park, AAarchitects+IIA Atelier | International Design Awards Winners

Red Plum Culture and Creative Park

CompanyAAarchitects+IIA Atelier
Lead DesignersHiroshi Aoki, Yoshiko Sato
Design Team(AAarchitects) Hiroshi Aoki, Toru Uno, Ko Oono, Sayantan Chakraborty, Ewa Scroczynska; (IIA Atelier)Yoshiko.sato, Naoki Sato, Yue Chen, Xingpeng Wang,
Project LocationShenyang
ClientShenyang Santi Investment Co., Ltd.
CreditsLo-tan Architecture Photography; Fancy Images
Prize(s)Bronze in Architecture Categories / Renovation
Entry Description

The Red Plum Culture and Creative Park is part of the updates in the city. With the ongoing past 30 years development, those built factories and affiliates need to adapt to new productive relations. The 4 buildings in the Park are in different sizes and damage levels, architects start with the relation between the park and the buildings, bring new culture functions into the old buildings,and re-open the park to public.