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YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners
YOKOHAMA MACHIDA ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL, NRC architecture & design office | International Design Awards Winners


CompanyNRC architecture & design office
Lead DesignersHajime Tsuruta
Project LocationTOKYO
ClientSDP Japan Co.,Ltd.
Prize(s)Bronze in Interior Design / Institutional
Project LinkView
Entry Description

Patients experiencing joint pain often face challenges in finding comfortable sitting positions. To accommodate patients' individual needs, such as body size, posture, and symptoms, we designed chairs of variable height and depth. Additionally, when converting the building (which was formerly used as a showroom for automobiles) we retained the existing arch patterns, which resemble vertebrae. The shade of blue used here is the hospital's signature color.


NRC, Tokyo architectural firm has been founded by Hajime Tsuruta in 2008.The firm has been awarded many prizes not only in Japan, but also other countries due to its unique architecture and design. NRC is inspired and embraced by clients from all over the world and looking for partnerships with both companies and individuals with which NRC can share creative and innovative ideas - small to large, residential to commercial projects, and everything in between.

Awards and Prize

・Matsuyama City Landscape Award (JPN) ・[Excellent project award] by IG kougyou(JPN)・Excellence in designing house supported by the Japanese government(JPN)・JCD design award(JPN)・American architecture Prize(USA)・JERCO Renovation Award(JPN)・The Architecture Master Prize(USA)・International Design Awards(USA/Bronze Medal)・Asia Design Prize(KOR), Outstanding property Award LONDON, A'DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION(ITA)