IDA 2024 NOW OPEN -- Regular Deadline October 31, 2024
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Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners
Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners
Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners
Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners
Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners
Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners
Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners
Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners
Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners
Your Print Station,  | International Design Awards Winners

Your Print Station

UniversitySchool of Visual Arts
Lead DesignersHuiqi Qiu
Prize(s)Silver in Print / Signs, Exhibits and POP Displays
Project LinkView
Entry Description

In this exhibition, I design the entire experience from little tags on the tote bags, to the instructions cards, stamps, tote bags patterns, and all the silkscreen print on the wall. I want to amplify the audience’s experience with printed material by allowing them to participate in the process of print-making. My works are deeply influenced by Andy Warhol’s silkscreen and his vision on commodity art. By mass-producing these prints and tote bags and selling them to the audience, I allowed each audience to get a slightly different product according to their own efforts.


My name is Huiqi Qiu. I grew up in Xiamen, China. At the age of 15, I moved to Vancouver, Canada for high school. After that, I went to Boston University to study graphic design. I am now a grad student at the School of Visual Arts. What I’ve gained from living in different places and interacting with diverse individuals enhances my passion to be a better designer. I chose design as my career because in the sensitive time we live in, I see graphic design as the most effective media to tackle social issues we are facing. I hope to use design to speak up, empower, and connect people.