Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners
Lufthof,  | International Design Awards Winners


Lead Designersjincheng zhangliu
Project LocationBerlin, Germany
Prize(s)Silver in Architecture Categories / Conceptual, Silver in Architecture Categories / Sustainable Living/Green
Entry Description

Lufthof is a community farmyard in Berlin – a place where Berliners and newly arrived Berliners can share their cultures to develop a deeper relationship with each other through growing, harvesting, stocking, cooking, eating and celebrating healthy fusion food together.