IDA 2024 NOW OPEN -- Regular Deadline October 31, 2024
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Totter,  | International Design Awards Winners
Totter,  | International Design Awards Winners
Totter,  | International Design Awards Winners
Totter,  | International Design Awards Winners
Totter,  | International Design Awards Winners
Totter,  | International Design Awards Winners


Lead DesignersMatthew Hoogestraat
Design TeamMatthew Hoogestraat
Project LocationBellingham, Washington - United States
Prize(s)Silver in Outdoor And Exercise Equipment / Sports/Toys/Games
Entry Description

Totter is a teeter totter designed with special needs children in mind. For classrooms specializing in teaching young special needs children, facilitating and supervising interactive play can be especially challenging. Totter addresses this problem by creating a means for a teacher or parent to introduce the activity and regulate the action when necessary. All participants use the center ring as a handle while totter is in motion - the children for stability, and the adult as a way of regulating the speed of the rocking motion. With time and practice, the adult may become less involved.