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intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners
intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners
intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners
intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners
intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners
intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners
intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners
intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners
intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners
intelligent flexible kitchen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | International Design Awards Winners

intelligent flexible kitchen

Lead DesignersChiung Jui Chen
Design TeamNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Project LocationTaipei
Prize(s)Bronze in Interior Design / Conceptual
Entry Description

The continuous development of new technologies, we have been in the pursuit of people and information through what interface, the most easy to use the most interesting, smart devices will bring great convenience for our lives in the future only through a finger not only Control of smart appliances can also control the kitchen space changes, the use of mathematical operations will be ups and downs of the space changes, so that the whole kitchen has unlimited magic space.