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Ciclotte Modular Barbells, MultiDesign | International Design Awards Winners
Ciclotte Modular Barbells, MultiDesign | International Design Awards Winners
Ciclotte Modular Barbells, MultiDesign | International Design Awards Winners
Ciclotte Modular Barbells, MultiDesign | International Design Awards Winners
Ciclotte Modular Barbells, MultiDesign | International Design Awards Winners
Ciclotte Modular Barbells, MultiDesign | International Design Awards Winners
Ciclotte Modular Barbells, MultiDesign | International Design Awards Winners

Ciclotte Modular Barbells

Lead DesignersLuca Schieppati
ClientLuca Schieppati
Prize(s)Gold in Outdoor And Exercise Equipment / Exercise Equipment
Entry Description

The product is characterized by the same philosophy that identified Ciclotte project since
its birth, that’s to say the wish to bring design in everyday life and realize objects be
showcased as a sculpture even in living room and then used as normal fitness tools in
spaces where living, work and gym can fluidly share the same room.
The item is a modular weight that, from 1.5 Kg can get up to 6 Kg, thanks to a special
threaded pin with plunger able to hook 2 additional weights.
The product maintain the iconic “circle-of-live” shape and, despite already existing
dumbbels which usually have a weight of 1-2 Kg, it allows the users to make real fitness
training and body building.


Ciclotte line was born by our wish to bring design in everyday life, where living, work and relax share the same room through elements which can be at the same time decoration objects and fitness equipments.
The new model in Crystall is designed by hand yet loaded with high-tech elements: a stylish ride with a distinct personality. Shapes and surfaces simplify themselves: design becomes minimal, pure. The transparency connects the 2 structural parts of the bikes like an invisible bridge. The result is a revolution in the design of fitness equipment and confirm the uniqueness of the project.

Awards and Prize

IDA Awards 2016 with a modular set of barbells
JEC gold award
FIBO gold award
Well-tech award
Wallpaper, Sea-tech, Conde Nast traveller nominations