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Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners
Old House in Wabi-Sabi,  | International Design Awards Winners

Old House in Wabi-Sabi

Lead DesignersRay Chang
Prize(s)Bronze in Interior Design / Residential
Project LinkView
Entry Description

Japan language, Wabi-Sabi means to get rid of the unnecessary, and to pursue essence of nature. However, it doesn’t mean to change its origin, make it pure and insert vitality. The peaceful atmosphere make you think deeply and bring out inner soul.

Designer choose attitude of retain, but giving new life to design the house.
Respect the original interior design and natural view, designer make a great effort to fuse new elements into it. Open area brings in the outdoor landscape. A tactic is used to make the tone of green gradually decrease. Besides, the designer also solved the problem of strong sunlight on evening, at the same time enrich the view of patio.

We used nature primitive and minimalist design techniques to implant new design method into the old house. The designer emphasizes the beauty of an old building could be remember and inherit under the respect of naturally occurred traces.