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Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners
Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners
Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners
Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners
Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners
Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners
Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners
Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners
Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners
Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building,  | International Design Awards Winners

Gebze Tech University Electronical Eng Building

Lead DesignersProf. Dr. Ahmet Vefik Alp
Prize(s)Bronze in Architecture Categories / Institutional
Entry Description

State Institute of Technology
Dept Electrical-Electronical Engineering, Turkey

The EE dept building is part of the State Institute of Technology’s new
campus on the shores of Izmit Gulf near Kocaeli. The masterplan projecting 350.000 m2 of enclosed space and 1.000.000 m2 of landscaped surface was completed by Dr. Ahmet V Alp.
The design philosophy envisions to minimize the land excavation and integrate the structures with the topography. The building, with entrances at level 0.00, and +09.30, ıs made of
2 wings that meet at the atrium. The office wing’s 3 floors equalize ın height
with the high-ceiling lab wing’s 2 floors at 0.00, +9.30 and the top level, the
floors of both wings reach the same altitude and unite with each other.
The high-tech style is sensitively collided with the turkish traditional