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Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners
Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners
Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners
Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners
Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners
Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners
Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners
Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners
Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners
Cedar Hill Loop,  | International Design Awards Winners

Cedar Hill Loop

Lead Designers
Prize(s)Gold in Architecture Categories / Exhibits, Pavilions and exhibitions
Entry Description

The objective is to create a multi-usage pavilion in Central Park, New York that is flexible enough to adapt to a wide variety of activities on a moderate scale.With that in mind, we created the Cedar Hill Loop, an underground steel and timber ring structure that follows the existing terrain of the Cedar Hill (an east-facing slope of mideast Central Park used mostly for reading and sunbathing). The loop, powered by four industry standard mast lifts and a circular rail underneath, is able to elevate and rotate itself to reveal spaces that are suitable for a wide variety of activities in different scales. Having nearly 30 feet of height difference, the sloped terrain of Cedar Hill is a perfect spot for the Loop to integrate itself in. The design provides new spaces and possibilities that the park currently lacks, and enriches familiar experiences we love about Central Park.