Submissions for IDA 2024 are now closed. Winners will be announced soon - stay tuned!
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Lead Designers
Prize(s)Bronze in Multimedia / Website Design, Silver in Multimedia / Interface Design, Bronze in Multimedia / Interactive Media, Gold in Multimedia / Computer-Generated Character, Silver in Multimedia / Animation
Entry Description
Australia is currently enduring its longest and most severe drought in history. Mission H2O was developed as a community resource, raising awareness by promoting water conservation to secondary school students. The aim of the project was to engage and educate students in a fun and innovative way that would effect real world change. The project was not for profit venture developed by Swinburne Design students.

Mission H2o is an online computer game and website that takes the form of a digital popup book. With each page that is turned the narrative is developed through a rich range of media content that includes video, sound, 3D animations and interactive games.

The character, Chelsea ?Sprinkles? Wilson and her water wasting family, guide you though their home, exploring interactive 3D representations of their Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom, Garden, Garage and Driveway, Rainwater tanks, Grey water, Patio and Pool.

By playing the games and helping each character optimise their water usage you earn points. These can be submitted to the Savewater Alliance to enter prize draws that are being run throughout 2008.

Mission H2O utilizes cutting edge web development technology, sophisticated aesthetics, narrative, character development and humour to convey a scientifically accurate message of conservation and sustainability.

Awards and Prize
