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,  | International Design Awards Winners
,  | International Design Awards Winners
,  | International Design Awards Winners
,  | International Design Awards Winners
,  | International Design Awards Winners
,  | International Design Awards Winners
,  | International Design Awards Winners

Lead Designers
Prize(s)Gold in Interior Design / Conceptual
Entry Description

""Otazu" - A Custom Jewelry Store."

"Otazu" is a conceptual design of a custom jewelry store inspired by work of very talented jewelry designer and a dear friend of mine Rodrigo Otazu.
The main concept of the store design was to come up with the way of displaying the jewelries that will be innovative and appropriate for the jewelry design itself.

I believe when something is really beautiful, valuable and precious should not be immediately offered to the client. The design of a store and displays must increase the interest and desire towards the jewelries.

Therefore I decided to create enclosed spherical displays finished in dark faux crocodile leather that are suspended from the center of a main gallery. Each display is lined in beautiful silk and is different in color. A slight colorful light shins from each display creating ambiguous atmosphere and engages the viewer into a playful game between the design and the objects of desire. The design inspire you to get closer to the display and look inside.

The white structure in the center of the store separates the main gallery from the back area. The recessed trail that runs around this structure is filled with diamond dust, lit from inside and covered with glass. This is the only detail in the entire store that glitters openly and gives a light hint that something very precious and glamorous must be hiding inside those dark spheres.

The rest of the store design is mainly kept minimal. The white lacquered horizontal displays are mounted on two sides of the main gallery walls and hold the permanent collection of the jewelry line. The back area is used for the private fitting and a register.