IDA 2024 NOW OPEN -- Regular Deadline October 31, 2024
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FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners
FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners
FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners
FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners
FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners
FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners
FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners
FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners
FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners
FibeRobo,  | International Design Awards Winners


UniversityMassachusetts Insitute of Technology
Lead DesignersJack Forman
Design TeamOzgun Kilic Afsar, Sarah Nicita, Rosalie Hsin-Ju Lin, Liu Yang, Megan Hofmann, Akshay Kothakonda, Cedric Honnet, Hiroshi Ishii, Neil Gershenfeld
Prize(s)Gold in Textile & Materials / New technology fabrics
Project LinkView
Entry Description

FibeRobo is a novel body-temperature shape-changing fiber based on liquid crystal elastomers. The development of a new fabrication technique and chemical composition of the fiber enables self-reversing morphing at, or optionally slightly above, body temperature. These fibers, once formed into the larger textile structure through knitting, weaving, and sewing techniques, enables a myriad of applications from medical devices (compressions shirts), athletic wear (self-ventilating clothing), to interactive eating experiences (morphing table cloths), and transforming fashion pieces.