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Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners
Taiwan Landscape Project, National Taipei University of Technology | International Design Awards Winners

Taiwan Landscape Project

CompanyNational Taipei University of Technology
Lead DesignersChe-Kuang Chuang
Design TeamPersonal Works
ClientPersonal Works
CreditsPersonal Works
Prize(s)Gold in Print / Posters
Project LinkView
Entry Description

In this project designer aims to use the Taiwa map to show different aspects of this island. There are three works inside:
The new central mountain: Through data visualization of Taiwan house prices, designer created a new central mountain for Taiwan island.
T, V, Love: Now Vietnam couple is part of Taiwan population. Designer collages the maps of these two countries and they become a butterfly-like totem showing the connections of these two.
Floating Island: A 3d Taiwan model to show different perspectives of this asteroid-like island, floating in space and has no roots.


Che-Kuang Chuang(莊澤光) is a Taiwan-based designer. His works contain a wide range of architecture design, sculpture, illustration and concept design. Che-Kuang Chuang has strong interests in form manipulation and now he has finished his master degree in University of Applied Applied Arts Vienna(die Angewandte, Austria, Graduated with distinction) and staeted his own career.

Awards and Prize

Graduated with Honor, National Taipei University of Technology(2011); Graduated with Honor, Die Angewandte(2015);Honorable mention of Young Architect Award in China Region(2011);National Golden Award for Architecture(2011); Gold Award, Iconti Art and Design competition (2020 ~2021); Silver Medal, Muse Design Award(2020~2021);IDA golden Award(2021).Works have been published on online magazine including Evolo, Arch2o, Designboom, InCG, etc.