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The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners
The internet, our new religion,  | International Design Awards Winners

The internet, our new religion

UniversityThe Glasgow school of Art
Lead DesignersLorenzo Columbo
CreditsTutor: Don Mclintyre
Prize(s)Gold in Print / Self-Promotion
Entry Description

Series of graphics and book showing a philosophical understanding narrated through the striking similarity analogy of the internet as a monotheistic religion. Explaining how the information society works through the internet and is shaped by that cultural hegemony which increases our humanistic belief and lets us identify as God. With the constant pursuit of earthly happiness as our main purpose, once we realize not to have a soul or a cosmic plan. In this context of false perfection, where technology shapes our conception of identity.


A multidisciplinary designer. I have relevant experience and knowledge in visual communication, editing, production, and critical analysis. My practice is mainly concerned with addressing societal and humanitarian issues related to social inequities, some of which I witnessed first-hand while working in Dublin and Amsterdam. More recently I have also become increasingly interested in researching and responding to the implications of the exponential control of the digital realm over contemporary societies and its effect on human relationships, identity and autonomy.

Awards and Prize

1° classified, CREACTIVITY Piaggio, product design 2013. (Italy)