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Zihua Lounger,  | International Design Awards Winners
Zihua Lounger,  | International Design Awards Winners
Zihua Lounger,  | International Design Awards Winners
Zihua Lounger,  | International Design Awards Winners
Zihua Lounger,  | International Design Awards Winners

Zihua Lounger

Lead Designers
Entry Description

Among mankind's perpetual searches is that for spaces conducive to
reflection, contemplation, inspiration and creation.

The purpose of Ezequiel Farca's Zihua Lounger is to become the cornerstone
of such a sanctuary. Its exquisite simplicity is in itself an invitation to
continued use and a vehicle for contemplative inspiration.

Zihua Lounger is far more than a mere object of great design. Although
magnificently reduced to its own function, it is a piece that speaks of
great strength, sobriety and an unmistakable presence with a character that
is both unique and universal.

The Zihua's form and function emanate from its metal framework, which also
provides its main structure, one of depth and aesthetic significance. The
other materials in its construction, ancient and rigid in nature, have been
masterfully manipulated into almost noble gentleness.

The exotic tropical wood along the resting surface -named Machiche by
millenary native Americans- outlines Zihua's characteristic smooth curve
that seems to mirror nature's masterpieces, from the human body to the
smooth movement of water.

The Zihua transcends because it reflects and invokes inspiration, movement,
sobriety, simplicity and an unbreakable balance, while reminding us of the
elemental, the sublime and the innate quality of our sense of aesthetics.



EZEQUIEL FARCA? was born in Mexico and studied a BA in Industrial Design at the Iberoamericana University from 1988-1991, to then major in Industrial Design at Western Washingron University, Washington State USA (1991-1992) and obtain an Arquitecture Masters Degree in ?The Big Scale, Architecture & other Environments? at the Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (2002-2003)
It was in Spain (2002-2004) where he obtained a Ph. D. degree at the Architectonic Project Department with a specialization on modern habitats at the Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.


Who is Ezequiel Farca: Created by Ezequiel Farca, industrial designer, he still personally attends to and creates furniture for a hand-picked number of projects.

In his initial stages, Farca was the solitary creator of remarkable furniture, but now he has gone beyond the traditional limits of his profession, so often engaged in producing isolated, spectacular and unique objects. The achievements celebrated by magazines like Architectural Digest, Interior Design and Interni, as creator of unique spaces are also attributable to a team that has found the way to make Farca?s method its own and take on projects without the direct supervision of the teacher. Strengthened by this team, Ezequiel Farca, now in the second stage of his career, has ventured, on the one hand, into a wider realm of space design, an activity that goes beyond decoration and is called interior architecture, and on the other hand, he has moved to the corporate world, establishing alliances with hotel groups, large developers and architects. Farca himself summarizes all this, not without a certain sense of humor, calling himself the CCEO (Chief Creative & Executive Officer) of Ezequiel Farca.

Awards and Prize
