IDA 2024 NOW OPEN -- Extended Early Bird Deadline June 30, 2024
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THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners
THE SHARDS,  | International Design Awards Winners


Lead DesignersSANJAY PURI
Prize(s)Honorable Mention
Entry Description

Varying heights from 2.1 to 4m, changing widths in the floor plan from 4 to 15m in a depth of 30m across 4 floors make this office space of 2100 sq m very diverse. The structural system of the existing building has no defined grid with columns and beams randomly located within it.
In response to these parameters, the office is designed organically. Corridors, cabins, conference rooms and open work spaces are intermingled along the length of the office in angular volumes. Angled pathways weave between the work spaces creating a different identity for each part of the office. The partitions “peel away” to reveal partial glimpses of internal spaces creating an extent of privacy while retaining openness.
The design, with its compositions transforms myriad site limitations into an office with an identity of its own in a series of individual spaces perceived in progression through its volume.