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House of Shapes

CompanyEON Architecture /EON architects
Lead DesignersHledis Sveinsdottir
Design TeamHlédís Sveinsdóttir, lead architect, Gunnar Árnason, Project Manager, Gunnar Stefánsson, architect
Project LocationKópavogur, 200
ClientDr. Kári Stefánsson
CreditsPhotos by Art Gray, photography
Entry Description

A private residence of a world-changing entrepreneur,a frontier of science with a certainty to change it.A tribute to science and discovery through geometry and forms and through selection of materials.The footprint as well as vertical sections are overlapping shapes and forms of triangles,circles and squares.Circle,triangle and square together at every level–whether the macrocosm, cosmos or microcosm –is a universal symbol for the divine creation,in its perfect manifestation of spirit (circle), soul (triangle)and in body (square).The main building/structural materials: concrete,steel, glass


EONarchitects/EONarchitecture,established in Iceland Dec.1999 by Mrs.Sveinsdottir,UCLAgrad.has since worked on various projects mostly in Iceland and Scandinavia.
"Nature,environmental factors and society in which the architect places his works will always be strong influential factors of the work created.Our goal is to create and to stand for designing and making of architecture that makes difference,the making of quality spaces,designs that bring emotions,designs that are created for today but will last and merge into what the future holds,towards the ever expanding field of architecture".

Awards and Prize

House of Shapes by EON architecture has been granted:
BOY awards, 2014, 1st price for large residential project. (Interior Design Magazine, main awards).
WAN awards, shortlisted, 2015
Best residential project Reykjavik, Kópavogur, Iceland, awarded 2015.
Number of articles and coverage in magazines, in books and coverage online..

Mt Hekla Museum by EON architecture has been granted:
BOY awards, 2014, 1st price for Museum/exhibition project. (Interior Design Magazine, main awards).
WAN awards, shortlisted, 2015
Number of articles and coverage in magazines, in books and coverage online..