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The Future of Us Pavilion

CompanySingapore University of Technology and Design Advanced Architecture Laboratory
Lead DesignersThomas Schroepfer
Design TeamAlex Cornelius, Aloysius Lian, Thomas Wortmann, Amanda Yeo Qian Yu, Joel Yap Kar Ying, Yehezkiel Willardy Manik, Christyasto Priyonggo Pambudi
Project LocationThe Gardens by the Bay, Singapore
ClientMinistry of National Development Singapore
Project LinkView
Entry Description

The Future of Us Pavilion follows the grand tradition of architectural structures that evoke a dialogue with nature by blending an intricate form with a perforated skin fluidly with the adjacent environments. For visitors, it offers a climatically comfortable outdoor environment and a stunning visual experience akin to walking under the foliage of lush tropical trees. Originally built to house The Future of Us, Singapore’s 50th Anniversary capstone event, the Pavilion has since become a permanent landmark that continues to serve as an important public asset and venue for major public events.


The Singapore University of Technology and Design Advanced Architecture Laboratory (AAL), directed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Schroepfer, investigates the increasingly complex relationship between design and technology in architecture. Its projects relate to advances in environmental sustainability, materials, structure and form, performance and energy, digital fabrication and building processes. AAL's work has been published and exhibited at important international venues, including at the Venice Architecture Biennale, the World Architecture Festival, and the World Congress of Architecture.

Awards and Prize

Golden Pin Design Award 2020, The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies International Architecture Award 2019, Aga Khan Award for Architecture Nominee 2019, Singapore President*s Design Award 2018, German Design Award 2018, Architizer A+Award 2017 (Honorable Mention), SG Mark Award 2017, World Architecture Festival Award 2016 (Honorable Mention), A' Design Platinum Award 2016, Singapore Structural Steel Award 2016, Singapore Design Award 2016, SG Mark Award 2016, Singapore Institute of Architects Award 2013, Gwangju Design Biennale Award 2011, International Union of Architects Award 2008